listen Greg's Bar Mitzvah
(Exodus:Yitro, 1st reading) Thu 31-Jan-2002 --- 18th of Sh'vat, 5762
How did Greg say his portion? The portion was recorded onto a tape player from to use for practice. Found at Rabbi recorded portion for use during the service because is copyright protected. During final recording we also raised the octive 1/3. You can hear the service by clicking blue balloon in the top left corner of this page. If you watch between 50 seconds and 1 minute 20 seconds you can see Greg pushing the button to start brachot. Greg is very excited and squeals with joy at the beginning and end of the service so it is fun to watch even if you can't see Greg pressing the button or if the Rabbi or Cantor are blocking your view. More information about the button and the planning of the service and some still pictures are below.
Still can't believe Greg has made it to 13 years of age and had a Bar Mitzvah. I'm part of the group who received the old (only available at the time) research when Greg was 1 yr old which studied 80 ML4 children deteriorating by 4-6 and odds were against reaching 9...

Alon Nashman gave the first advice: Email Judge Dan Butler. Inspiration, it was possible. The Butler family had a Bar Mitzvah for their handicapped son.

Was Thursday morning service ok? What about Saturday morning? No, Greg would use technology to assist in prayer. No technology on Sabbath.

Was Greg being prejudiced? Many concurred, no. Correspondence with very knowledgeable and unbelievably helpful advocates, handicapped people and Rabbis at internet newsgroup. Thursday was perfectly acceptable Bar Mitzvah day. Those self employed or retired or able to take the morning off work would be able to attend (less people than might attend on a Saturday but we knew their good wishes were with Greg just the same). Plus January 31st was the very first possible day to have Bar Mitzvah after Greg turned 13 (by the Jewish calendar). Greg could uphold Jewish law and have Bar Mitzvah. And we could take live video and photos (also not possible on Saturday), very ok.

We started practicing in August. Right after Rabbi Rhodes at Pride of Israel said ok. Rabbi Rhodes was the only Rabbi in Toronto who said ok. This was very much appreciated.

The idea for the tape player came many years ago from Lynette Norris at Bloorview Macmillan Center who presented examples of how others had modified toys with home made switches. We used 2 battery interrupting home made cables for the service. One for the tape player and one for the Big Mac style switch Greg used to activate the tape player.

The Big Mac style switch was one of those round battery operated touch lights you see at the hardware store. We also got a pal pad and a switch lock just in case the homemade version didn't work. Turns out the switch built into the light worked perfectly to start and stop the tape player.

We sat the tape player and the switch right up on the beema's podium beside the Torah. The Rabbi pointed to the words in the Torah as the tape was playing so Greg could follow along.

I found information on Big Macs and other switches at web page/palpad.htm

Greg had learned how to use Big Mac buttons at school so he was a quick study on that part of the cerimony. Sandra Majovic was Greg's Bar Mitzvah tutor and quickly changed her status to his friend. We met Sandra at the end of 42 phone calls. Sandra is a teacher of handicapped Jewish children with experience as Bar Mitzvah tutor and consultant. She helped Greg learn by giving him all the words he would come to know well in the months that followed and presented Greg with a mock Torah in an ark for practice. We played the recording used the props and talked about Greg's portion and what Bar Mitzvah means between August and January. During January Greg went most afternoons after school to practice walking up the steps of the beema and rehersing standing at the podium and pressing the button. Greg was very excited to be at the temple and so looking forward to his very special day that he would often squeal with joy. It was certainly one of Greg's happiest experiences.

Email with your mailing address if you've misplaced your imprinted commemorative kippah, we have extras.

Greg smiles proudly when you say he is not a little boy but now a young man.